How Do You Meditate in Daily Life? Integration in Four Easy Pieces….

Frequently I'm asked what my day looks like and how I practice meditation in a busy life. Since preparing to publish my book, Minding the Bedside: Nursing from the Heart of the Awakened Mind, and starting my own business, the unfortunate fact is that the time for my "formal" practice has suffered. Yet, while I lament and moan about the lack of time to formally practice, it seems like the integration of practice into my daily life, and my ability to take life onto the path, has increased. While there really is no substitute for formal practice in terms of [...]

2011-10-25T11:49:30-06:00By |Meditation|0 Comments

Occupying (our minds?) on Wall Street – Meditation in Action!

Explanation of Meditation @ Occupy WallStreet from WhatMeditationReallyIs on Vimeo. Since this site is based on creating community and since community is more than "meditators," or "nurses," or "bloggers," or...whatever, it seems fitting to include this video, from the site - What Meditation Really Is - on this site. Erric Solomon,Executive Director of the What Meditation Really Is website, filmed this interview with Anthony Whitehurst, one of the organizers of this meditation gathering. In context of what's happening with the "occupation" of Wall Street, it seems fitting to have a piece on meditation and its place in this event. Since [...]

2011-10-12T18:18:36-06:00By |Meditation|2 Comments

The Real Glory of Meditation Lies Not in Any Method But in Its Continual Living Experience of Presence

Every once in a while, I like to post something that comes from another site related to meditation, from someone doing research into mind-body medicine, or from someone else who teaches on methods of meditation. In this case, it is with extreme pleasure and reverence that I post the following "Glimpse of the Day," which comes from a great teacher of meditation and Tibetan Buddhism, Sogyal Rinpoche, author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. This short reminder, from the Glimpse of the Day, essentializes what is most precious about working with one's mind through the practice of meditation. [...]

2014-03-17T13:51:39-06:00By |Meditation|0 Comments

Why Meditation Matters in Healthcare! Five Simple Reasons…

Meditation Matters in Everything that You Do...   Meditation matters in your life. It matters in your relationships and in your family. It matters when you drive the car and when you eat your meals. (starting to see the pattern here?) Meditation matters everywhere! It almost seems like I could start a Dr. Seuss rhyme here, " a park, on a train, in the dark, in the rain!..." Previous posts on this site, as well as posts on other sites like What Meditation Really Is, The Promise of Mindfulness Meditation, and even on Richer Life, have stressed the importance of [...]

2016-01-12T17:17:30-07:00By |Nursing|1 Comment

Politics Getting to You? Meditate on Compassion – Four Steps…

Can meditation on compassion change the way that we view politics? Regardless of our political inclinations or leanings, we are all subject to the political fracas that erupts years before Presidential elections, and that is almost ongoing in the general and special elections within the local political arena. Do you ever get the impression that many of these politicians, regardless of their party, don't have any idea of how badly we all want things to change for the benefit of everyone? For instance, I don't think that any of us want Medicare to disappear, leaving the elderly in dire straits. [...]

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