Is Nursing All About Stress?


It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this site, but all is well. In fact, things are great!

I’ve been doing a lot to bring more resources to you and that includes working with a number of other great online nursing and meditation resources.

Recently I posted an article on the site, And I’d like to share that article with you.

As nurses, we know the meaning of stress. In fact, we may know its meaning more intimately than most of our peers who work in other professions. This is partially because we’ve seen the devastating effects that chronic stress has on the bodies of our patients. It’s also because nursing is reported to be one of the most stressful professions.

Why is it that when we enter into discussions on how to decrease stress in nursing, we usually point to changing things external to ourselves and that when we try to change how we deal with stress, we usually end up stressing out about that too?

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