How To Meditate: Ten Reasons Not to Meditate!

This post is inspired by my friend Erric Solomon, blogger and administrator on the site, What Meditation Really Is. His post, Ten Reasons Why We Should Never Meditate, inspired me to write a similar post. I know that this site is loaded with advice and how to meditate, where to meditate and why you should meditate. But...maybe you shouldn't meditate. Maybe meditation is really a waste of time, a waste of time that you could be using for other things like surfing the internet, watching TV or playing video games (the list goes on, doesn't it?!) Here is a list, [...]

2015-01-28T19:04:36-07:00By |Meditation|4 Comments

How To Meditate: Don’t Focus on the Emotion

Do You Get Caught Up In Emotions? How often do you find yourself caught up in an emotion, seemingly stuck in a box with no way out? How often do you wish with all of your might that you could free yourself from the grips of strong emotions? Can meditation help you to deal with emotions? What you formally practice in meditation should prepare you for everything that you encounter in your daily life...shouldn't it? Despite many hours of practice, many meditators - myself very much included - find that although their meditation feels stable, when a sudden, unexpected and [...]

2015-01-20T15:07:05-07:00By |Meditation|2 Comments

On Meditation and Compassion: Is it Only a Dream…That There’ll Be No More Turning Away….?

  What Stops You in Your Tracks?   I've always been a sucker for guitar solos, especially ones that invoke a strong emotion of sadness or intensity. For me, when the message of the music hits the heart of the lyrics, it brings me to a state of stillness or reflection...similar to meditation. When I think of something that can stop me in my tracks, something that causes me to catch a glimpse of something beyond myself, music stands out clearly in my mind. What about you? James Joyce used the phrase of "aesthetic arrest" to describe a state where [...]

2015-02-03T13:13:10-07:00By |Compassion|2 Comments

How to Meditate, How to Die, Part 1

Headstone Photo from The Latin words memento mori—“remember death” or “remember that you must die”—were used in ancient Rome and in medieval times to remind the people of the imminence of death and the uncertainty as to its hour or circumstances. It was also believed to have been used in Rome during parades for Roman generals celebrating victories or triumphs in battle. Walking behind the victorious general would be his slave, who was given the task of reminding the general that, although he was celebrating his victory, at any moment he could be brought down by defeat. [...]

2014-02-25T14:26:23-07:00By |Meditation|4 Comments

The Buddha Walks Into a Bar…[this is meditation?]

There's a joke that goes something like this: A monk walks up to a hot-dog stand and says "make me one with everything"'ve heard this one before? Well, you may have heard that corny joke about the hot-dog stand, but you haven't read a book like this before...unless you've read some of the late Chogyam Trungpa's works, in which case you're ahead of the crowd. And even then, what author Lodro Rinzler has to say is new, fresh and definitely unique. Appealing to a younger crowd, "The Buddha Walks Into a Bar" brings some key Buddhist concepts about meditation and [...]

2012-04-20T11:18:44-06:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments

Too Much Chaos in Your Life? Shut Up and Meditate

(Caution, this post is not my "usual style" nor is it my customary way of presenting material, but it is a very real look at what's going on behind the scenes with this one blog-writer. Enter at your own risk and...enjoy!!) Seriously, I've had it with life's problems lately. I'm up to my arse in alligators and nothing seems to be going the way that I want it to go or even the way that I've imagined that it would go. There seems to be nothing in life that's bringing me any sense of real peace...except for meditation. And THAT [...]

2012-08-16T11:58:32-06:00By |Meditation|3 Comments
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