For Black Friday…Meditate! How to Use Meditation to Spend Less…

Well, it's that time of year again. Time to...meditate? No, shop! Or, is it time to meditate on why we shop, why we consume hoping to find some outer reward to our thirst for, different? Time to find happiness in...Target? Nordstroms? Amazon? How often have you felt an urge to go out and buy something, only to find that after you'd bought whatever it was, there was still a hollow place inside? Have you ever been really stressed out and felt like a little "retail therapy" was just the thing that you needed to remove your negative thinking? What [...]

2021-11-30T14:15:00-07:00By |Meditation|0 Comments

Meditation Tip of the Week: Meditate Now! Don’t Wait Until You’re Drowning…

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK Meditation ip of the week is a weekly series of very short, easy to remember, and basic  tips on meditation. Please let me know what you think, is it helpful? (This week's tip is an updated, revised, renamed "replay" of an earlier tip that was the first in this series. I received a number of e-mails from readers asking me to include more content in this post. Soooooo, here it is! Enjoy.) This past February, while presenting to a group of hospital administrators, healthcare professionals, nuns, name it, at a Grand Rounds meeting at [...]

Meditation Tip of the Week: Stop Meditating!

    TIP OF THE WEEK TIP OF THE WEEK IS A WEEKLY SERIES OF VERY SHORT, EASY TO REMEMBER, AND BASIC TIPS ON MEDITATION. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? Too often we make time to meditate and then after our session, we get on with life. This week's tip is to do just the opposite; don't make any time for your meditation and just get on with your life. What?! Look, if you're just into meditation to take a break from the world then seriously, why bother? Meditation takes too much time to learn [...]

Meditation Tip of the Week: Don’t Think, Meditate

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK IS A WEEKLY SERIES OF SHORT, EASY TO REMEMBER, AND BASIC TIPS ON MEDITATION. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? I'm not sure how many times during the day you find yourself thinking about something that's unrelated to what you're doing at the moment, maybe daydreaming, maybe distracted. For me, there are plenty of times when my mind isn't where it should be or could be. The "could be" is what this week's tip is about. When I find myself staring off into space, or waiting [...]

Meditation Tip of the Week: Meditate…Even When it Doesn’t Work

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK IS A WEEKLY SERIES OF VERY SHORT, EASY TO REMEMBER, AND BASIC TIPS ON MEDITATION. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? For many of us who have learned, tried, failed and/or succeeded in meditation, there have been (or still are?) times when our meditation practice goes something like this: Sit. Think. Try to meditate. Work at meditating. Sit some more. Think some more. Work harder. Think some more. Work even harder. Get fed up. Stop meditating....sound familiar? When this happens, meditation can simply become another time [...]

Meditation Tip of the Week: Meditate Whenever You Think About…Meditation!

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK IS A WEEKLY SERIES OF EASY TO REMEMBER, SHORT AND BASIC TIPS ON MEDITATION. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? Meditate Whenever You Think About Meditation Do you ever find yourself thinking about meditating, or thinking about the fact that you haven't been meditating? Do you ever wish that you'd remembered to meditate? Well then, just meditate! Think about it for a minute, since you've taken the time to occupy your mind with the thought of meditation, why not apply that reminder to the moment - [...]

Meditation Tip of the Week: Meditate Under Water…Or Biking Up a Mountain!

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK MEDITATION TIP IS A WEEKLY SERIES OF EASY TO REMEMBER, SHORT AND BASIC TIPS ON MEDITATION. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? In the previous weeks, the "Tip of the Week" has focused a lot on how to meditate in our daily lives. This week's tip will be similar; meditate under water, or on a tightrope!! When we begin to get comfortable with our meditation practice we can get lazy about it and only practice under the best of circumstances. But, that's not what meditation is about. It's about learning to [...]

2019-10-24T13:49:24-06:00By |Meditation Tip of the Week|Comments Off on Meditation Tip of the Week: Meditate Under Water…Or Biking Up a Mountain!

Meditation Tip of the Week: Meditate on What Scares You! Seriously!!

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK IS A WEEKLY SERIES OF EASY TO REMEMBER, SHORT AND BASIC TIPS ON MEDITATION. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? Meditation works easily when we're sitting on our cushion, free from any immediate worries or concerns...and even then it can be exceedingly difficult! But what about when we're in a state of fear or panic, what then?? As we discussed in the Tip of the Week two weeks ago, "Don’t Wait Until the House is Burning Down…," it's vital that we know how to meditate before [...]

How to Watch the Cloud-Like Thoughts Within Our Mind

MEDITATION TIP OF THE WEEK ...IS A  SERIES OF SHORT, EASY TO REMEMBER, AND BASIC TIPS ON HOW TO MEDITATE. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, IS IT HELPFUL? When Meditating, Understand Thoughts to be Like Clouds Minding one's life mindfully, aware, and compassionately comes from realizing the changing nature of our thoughts. We do this by turning the mind inward, transforming the stormy arisings of thoughts, emotions, and feelings by recognizing them to be impermanent phenomena like passing clouds in the sky. Minding one's life mindfully comes from realizing that whatever thoughts and emotions may be stirred up [...]

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