Why Meditation Matters in Healthcare! Five Simple Reasons…

Meditation Matters in Everything that You Do...   Meditation matters in your life. It matters in your relationships and in your family. It matters when you drive the car and when you eat your meals. (starting to see the pattern here?) Meditation matters everywhere! It almost seems like I could start a Dr. Seuss rhyme here, "...in a park, on a train, in the dark, in the rain!..." Previous posts on this site, as well as posts on other sites like What Meditation Really Is, The Promise of Mindfulness Meditation, and even on Richer Life, have stressed the importance of [...]

2016-01-12T17:17:30-07:00By |Nursing|1 Comment

Politics Getting to You? Meditate on Compassion – Four Steps…

Can meditation on compassion change the way that we view politics? Regardless of our political inclinations or leanings, we are all subject to the political fracas that erupts years before Presidential elections, and that is almost ongoing in the general and special elections within the local political arena. Do you ever get the impression that many of these politicians, regardless of their party, don't have any idea of how badly we all want things to change for the benefit of everyone? For instance, I don't think that any of us want Medicare to disappear, leaving the elderly in dire straits. [...]

Why Practice Meditation Every Day? Five Great Reasons

What Is the Benefit of Practicing Meditation? On this site, we've discussed how to deal with thoughts, emotions, sensations...even sleepiness while trying to meditate. Those are the "how tos," but how about the why? Why meditate? Or, even if we know the why of meditation, why practice? This question is partially answered when you consider the obstacles (mentioned above) to our meditation; if we don't practice, how do we know whether we're progressing on our path? Almost daily, I experience situations where I wish that my "meditative mind" was in charge instead of my habitually distracted mind. Does this ever [...]

2012-11-28T12:40:00-07:00By |Meditation|3 Comments

Seven Things to Remember When Learning to Meditate

When we're first learning to meditate, we may find ourselves lost in thoughts, sensations and/or emotions. Previous posts on this site have addressed how to work with these distractions and obstacles and I encourage you to read them to find out more. There are some things that we can do to bring ourselves, immediately, back to our practice, whether that practice is a formal one, or an informal one. For the sake of ease, I decided to share the ten things that I remember when I become distracted by the many things that my mind seems to follow. I hope [...]

2011-09-13T20:08:03-06:00By |Meditation|0 Comments

Meditation Isn’t About Arriving Somewhere; You’re Already There!

A colloquialism favored in the state of Maine is that you can't get there from here, or - spoken as a Mainer  "you can't get they-ah from he-ah." But, why talk about Maine when the topics of this blog are mindfulness, awareness and compassion at the bedside? (with bits of the mundane daily stuff tossed in for grins) The "from here" that we work with when beginning meditation is our ordinary - some might say deluded - mind. And, the "there" that we're working to achieve to some degree is a state free from delusions, free from distractions. The premise of [...]

2011-09-06T17:45:45-06:00By |Meditation|0 Comments

How to Overcome Distraction While Practicing Compassionate Meditation

Recently, while doing a meditation practice based on compassion, I found - much to my dismay - that my focus was anywhere but on my practice. What made it even worse (and even embarrassing) was that I was doing the practice for a friend of mine who had experienced a significant medical emergency. In a previous post in this site, Forget About Yourself, Meditate for the Sake of Others!, we discussed using our meditation as an opportunity to meditate for the benefit of others. But, what about when we are meditating for the benefit of others and can't even bring [...]

How to Work with the Four Distractions to Meditation – New ebook!

(The following post in from the Introduction to my new ebook, How to Work with the Four Distractions to Meditation. Please feel free to go directly to the link to download the ebook, or read the intro first to see if its contents are of interest to you. Take care.) I think that it’s fair to say that many people experience difficulties and challenges when first starting to meditate, especially if the technique or method that is being used is based on observing and working with thoughts, feelings and/or sensations. As meditation practitioners, we need to know that there’s nothing [...]

2014-07-03T12:26:56-06:00By |Meditation|1 Comment

Meditation With Death in Mind (memento mori!)

We’ve discussed and shared a lot of different aspects of meditation and how to work with the mind on this site. One topic that we haven’t strayed into is how working with one’s mind can not only affect the quality of one’s life and the lives of those around us, but also how the stability that we can find in learning to meditate can also help us when we or our loved ones approach the transition of life into death. The Latin words memento mori—“remember death” or “remember that you must die”—were used in ancient Rome and in medieval times [...]

2019-08-12T17:47:25-06:00By |Nursing|3 Comments
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